const PSEUDO_DIGITS: [char; 7] = ['M', 'D', 'C', 'L', 'X', 'V', 'I'];
const PSEUDO_PLACE_VALUES: [usize; 7] = [1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1];
fn integer_to_roman(integer: usize) -> String {
let mut remaining = integer;
let mut bildungsroman = String::new();
// get it?? It sounds like _building Roman_ (numerals), but it's
// also part of the story about me coming into my own as a
// programmer by learning a grown-up language
// XXX
for ((index, value), &figure) in PSEUDO_PLACE_VALUES.iter()
let factor = remaining / value;
remaining = remaining % value;
if figure == 'M' || factor < 4 {
for _ in 0..factor {
// IV, IX, XL, &c.
let smaller_unit_index = index + 2 - (index % 2);
if smaller_unit_index < PSEUDO_PLACE_VALUES.len() {
let smaller_unit_value = PSEUDO_PLACE_VALUES[smaller_unit_index];
let smaller_unit_figure = PSEUDO_DIGITS[smaller_unit_index];
if value - remaining <= smaller_unit_value {
remaining -= (value - smaller_unit_value);
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