How frizzy is my hair
It really is unfair
My partner should object
Except she really doesn't care
I stare, in the mirror
Half-paralyzed in fear
My partner should object
Except she really doesn't care
How frizzy is my hair
It really is unfair
My partner should object
Except she really doesn't care
I stare, in the mirror
Half-paralyzed in fear
My partner should object
Except she really doesn't care
"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all go fine. Just be yourself."
"Of course. But ... how am I supposed to compute that?"
It turns out that I've been doing human psychology wrong, all wrong. My entire life, I've been modeling other people as defective versions of my model of myself, and I just didn't notice that that doesn't work. (Even though I was warned.)
"I miss being a human."
"You miss it? What do you think you are now?"
"A crude, slow, bug-ridden implementation of general intelligence patched into a human brain."